Latest News

11th January 2016

11-January-2016 14:26
in General
by Admin

11th January 2016

The effects of the wet weather are getting very frustrating now- another meeting called off today- I should have been at Ayr with Veroce who I thought had a decent chance. Luckily we have not had too many problems with the rain at Cornborough Manor, we  had to put 40 tonnes of sand on our gallop which was partly damaged by flooding and had to evacuate our brood mares from a field just down the road which flooded, nothing compared to the poor people who have had their homes flooded round our area though.

Today was a day that our riders have not particularly been looking forward to, riding the flat horses who have been on holiday for around 3 months, some more. The first time they are ridden can be a bit hair raising but as it turned out all the ones we expected to be explosive were fine and Woody Bay, who we expected to be quiet was the worst to ride setting off bucking out of the yard, I am glad to say all horses came back with their riders still on board! Today will have taken the freshness off them and we can get on with getting them ready for the start of the flat season.

The yard is full and very busy at the moment with jumpers and flat horses all being ridden. Fingers crossed the weather improves this week and we can start having a few more runners.

Below is a picture of our brood mares before we rescued them from the flooded field.


..and view from the lorry as we were driving back to the yard.